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Monday, May 16, 2011

Flavors of India: restaurant review by T. Frey

A few weeks ago, I told my mom "we havent had much Indian food" and so she picked up Indian food from Flavors of India. We chose what we wanted on line in the menu section. it was easy to find what we wanted because the web had many guiding headings. Chicken tandoori was like a coconut curry. And i knew that the samosas would be good. Knowing what curry and coconut is helped me make the choice. They taste kind of spicy but not that spicy. The samosas and tandoori chicken were beautiful! I ate it at my local park. It seemed the food added to the natural feel of the park, but a little different. anyways, Try the great restaurant FlAvoRs Of IndIa

their link to website: http//

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